Curry Thai Red

Foodea Thai Red Curry

Foodea Thai Red Curry is a delicious and authentic way to enjoy this popular Thai dish. Made with fresh, high-quality ingredients, our Thai Red Curry is packed with flavor and sure to please your guests.


  • Convenient
  • Delicious
  • Versatile
  • Affordable
  • Shelf-stable

To Serve

  1. Heat up the Thai Red Curry in a saucepan over medium heat for 5-7 minutes, or until warmed through.
  2. Serve with your favorite protein and vegetables.

Recipes to Create

  • Thai Red Curry Chicken
  • Thai Red Curry Shrimp
  • Thai Red Curry Vegetable Curry


  • For a richer flavor, add a dollop of coconut cream to the Thai Red Curry before serving.
  • You can also add other ingredients to your Thai Red Curry, such as chopped cilantro, red onions, or peanuts.
  • If you want to make a vegetarian or vegan version of Thai Red Curry, simply omit the chicken or shrimp and use vegetable broth instead of chicken broth.
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